Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Safety at work(Day8)(Wednesday)

Today we were doing the finishing of the rig, the texturing, the blending of shapes and the effects.

Firstly,Poh Ling did the looking through the scope effects.She tried using the psd file Wei Yi gave to her.

The result of it would be:

She did some research and found some online tutorial on youtubewhich produced a better result.
Here's some steps that she did in order to get the final outcome.
Original Footage

Color correction,Fast Blur

Linings that appear in the middle

Final Outcome

Video of the work done

Next would be the work in progress done by Avinash,he did the blending shapes for the expressions of the characters.

He with the aid of of youtube he did manage to get the result he wanted.Avinash found it tough to select the vertices and get the correct facial expression for thye model. He faced problems while doing the blending shapes, but he managed to overcome them.

Shalini continued on the texturing of the rabbit,she did the texturing of the rabbit, the group members liked the concept of having a white rabbit with ammos.They also wanted the rabbit to look something like mashimaro a cartoon character.Therefore, I did some research on how the character looked like and modelled its eyes using lines using photoshop and texture mapped them on to the face at first it did not look convincing.

This was the image which I did in Photoshop to get the shape of the eye.

This was the trial she did which ended up in a failure,she did the UV mapping but unfortunately it did not work as it also appeared on the back of the rabbits head therefore, she had to make sure that the faces were selected and did a planar mapping to it in order to remove the mark.
Lesson learnt was to make frequent use of the UV texture editor as it helps make the texture be in place n look realistic.
Wei Yi continued with the lightings for the characters to blend the characters to the scene. She used the model which Shalini had textured.

Wei Jie did the rigging for the models. He also did the painting Weights for teh models he did spent more time on it in order to make it realistic.the problems Wei Jie encountered many obstacles while doing the painting Weights. The paint had to be precise in order for the animating work to go smoothly.

This was the shutter effect done by Wei Jie.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Safety at work(Day 7)(Tuesday)

Hi Mr Ron I would like to update you with the work we did today.

Firstly,I would like to put in the images of the work done by Poh Ling, I would like to apologise for that.

These were done by Poh Ling she textured the scene and also added the lighting s to the the scene to make it realistic.

These was the ripple effect tried out by Poh Ling, she was not really happy with the outcome of it, she will be seeking from Mr Ron on finding to do it the better way and also doing it the easier way in houdini as she was trying it out in After Effects.

Wei Yi did the trial of the lightings for the character.

Shalini did the texturing of the two characters. This was my progress of the texturing of the model and i would like to thank Mr ron for teaching me to add the noise, was having great problems with it, this would be my step by step work progress for the texturing of the rabbit and the bear. Planar mapping on the noise.
I will still be working on it.

Avinash did this facial expressions and the rigging of the model.






He was trying out various blending shapes to show the facial expressions and it will be changing while the animation is going on.

Wei Jie is the modeller for the bear and the rabbit, he got the desired effect he wanted.

Thats all for today.
Thank you.=)